Monday 25 February 2008

Spice and Wolf - 8 (1920x1080 H.264 AAC)

Hey guys, a little late this week. This only appeared on Share today when I was asleep, so have just watched it and now uploading.

If there are still some people who are living in caves or something and wondering where episode 7 is, then WFT? Episode 7 is a DVD only episode that is not related the the current story.

Subs are the same as last week, so just adjust the time accordingly.

RAW seems a little worse for wear than the others, as I noticed the tell-tale interlace lines of an upscale, especially on the eyes.

Hard to believe that there is only 4 more episodes of Ookami to Koushinryou left.



Sunday 17 February 2008

Spice and Wolf - 6 (1920x1080 H.264 AAC)

Almost totally forgot to put this up, again.

Just as I was going to bed I thought 'Shit! I aint done it yet.'

For those who are interested, the BBS subs for this need to be retimed.

They need to be (-)7.85 seconds. That is 'Minus' as there was no sponsor information in this RAW for some reason.

The actual time that I altered the subs for me was (-)7.849 but that is being over specific.



Sunday 10 February 2008

Spice and Wolf - 5 (1920x1080 H.264 AAC)

Hey again, release time.

I nearly forgot to release this as I was too ingrosed in 'Lost Odyssey' for the Xbox 360.

File size is bigger this time and quality is good as always.



Sunday 3 February 2008

Spice and Wolf - 4 (1920x1080 H.264 AAC)

Hey again, it's that time of the week. New release day.

It seems that the size of the file just keeps dropping, although there is no real decernable difference in quality. As always download and give a test run, was still the best for me.

I nearly forgot to release this, so lucky I remembered before going to bed.

Please note that there is no subs, there will not be.

If you really need to me provide them for you, then don't download the RAW. I will give you some nice info though, the BBS subs will not need any re-timing, just rip and mux.

If you don't know how to do that, I suggest you learn. It is a handy skill to have.

I will keep you updated.

Torrent: Here
