Sunday, 3 February 2008

Spice and Wolf - 4 (1920x1080 H.264 AAC)

Hey again, it's that time of the week. New release day.

It seems that the size of the file just keeps dropping, although there is no real decernable difference in quality. As always download and give a test run, was still the best for me.

I nearly forgot to release this, so lucky I remembered before going to bed.

Please note that there is no subs, there will not be.

If you really need to me provide them for you, then don't download the RAW. I will give you some nice info though, the BBS subs will not need any re-timing, just rip and mux.

If you don't know how to do that, I suggest you learn. It is a handy skill to have.

I will keep you updated.

Torrent: Here



WarP said...

^___^ At last!

Good job, continue with that =)

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to use the same Run Me.bat file that you provided with the first raw, if I just change the subtitle & video file nimes in it?

Unknown said...

Thank you~~~

3x3cut10n3r said...

temuthril, yes it is.

AuAuDisro said...

I'm curious why is the hash of episode 1 different from the one in share?

Ever-Dream said...

Many thanks, looking forward the following series.

Grey Fox said...

Thanks for releasing this episodes =)

AuAuDisro, you are wrong! The sha1 hash the same as on share = 33aefac73af456960a036cec8b7c24f54207e41e.

Chun said...


plz keep going

AuAuDisro said...

Grey Fox for some reason here it calculates a different hash, probably it will be better for me to stick with share since I know how to use it, just because the torrent does stupid things =_=;; Episode 2 3 and 4 worked fine though so I don't really understand, maybe it got corrupted at some time here

Unknown said...

where are we gonna get ASS files from ? from Episode 4+?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

more like how do i grab the .ASS file from a BBS Fansub episode so I can embed it to your RAW?