Friday, 5 June 2009

[3x3] Gurren Lagann Kirameki Yoko Box - Pieces of Sweet Stars「S・t・a・r・S」 (704x480 x264 AAC)

Been over a year since the last release so thought it about time! ^_^

After hearing the song I looked into finding the PV video that went with it but could not find a Torrent.

Checked on PD but still nothing, decided to give good old Share a go and found 1 copy, here it is!

3x3cut10n3r-RAWs, bringing you the best hard to find RAWs.

[アニメ DVD] 天元突破グレンラガン キラメキ☆ヨーコBOX ~Pieces of sweet stars~ ヨーコPV 「S・t・a・r・S」 (704x480 x264 AAC).mp4

Get it Here!

Youtube Here!


Rapunzel said...

Might I just say that I absolutely love you and am very very thankful for this <3 <3 <3 I've had no luck finding it and I've been searching for it since the set came out. All I've been able to come by are YouTube rips. I'd actually almost lost hope <3

So once again, thanks so much!! :D

Avarance said...